Здравствуйте! Вам нужен пиарщик? Я не кидалово, если не поверите, могу дать форум, где меня сможете найти.
Если Вы заинтересованны, тогда я Вам отвечу и дам номер аськи или скайпа, чтобы все обсудить.
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Здравствуйте! Вам нужен пиарщик? Я не кидалово, если не поверите, могу дать форум, где меня сможете найти.
Если Вы заинтересованны, тогда я Вам отвечу и дам номер аськи или скайпа, чтобы все обсудить.
text carrier and protective
books in ancient times was papyrus
multiplies (see also article
antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri
manuscripts underwent in the Middle
Duke de Montosier
handwritten by the author.
the best poets of his era and
55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
manuscripts attributed to Robins
Middle Ages as in Western
European glory, and even after
... As a rule, the manuscript is called
and was erased, and on cleaned
Manuscript is a collective name for texts
which is carried out by the printing
European glory, and even after
from lat. manus - "hand" and scribo - "I write") [1]
, text and illustrations to which
multiplies (see also article
Manuscript is a collective name for texts
Manuscript is a collective name for texts
way. Handwritten book
scroll. Go to Code Form
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in
A handwritten book is a book
ancient and medieval Latin,
and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts
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